Keynote Speaker

“Blockchain Technology as a Foundation for a Future Web”
By Prof. Bebo White, Department Associate (Emeritus),
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Stanford University at Menlo Park,
California, USA


Current research suggests that Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can provide a viable description of a decentralized data layer in a future definition of the World Wide Web (WWW) – not to be called Web 3.0! As a result, integration of powerful new technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc. can be optimized to provide functionality to the Web currently either not possible or not yet imagined/realized. The implementation and success of Decentralized Applications (DApps) on blockchains has demonstrated the potential of this model. This talk will summarize the status of this research and speculate on challenges that still need to be addressed.


Prof. Bebo White is a computational physicist who first became involved with what was then emerging Web technology while on sabbatical at CERN in 1989. He was later part of the team that established the first non-European Web site at SLAC (the fifth site in the world). He’s affectionately referred to as the First American Webmaster and is internationally considered a pioneer of the World Wide Web and one of the founders of the Web Engineering discipline. Bebo is the author / co-author of nine books and over 100 papers and journal articles.
In addition to his continuing work at SLAC, Bebo also holds faculty appointments at several other institutions, is a member of the organizing committees of a number of major conferences series and is a frequent conference speaker and paper reviewer. In addition to Web technology, Prof. White’s current active research interests include cryptocurrency, blockchain/DLT technology, and advanced user interface systems. He is the recipient of various awards and honors in recognition of his contributions.